Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51: National Cherry Pie Day

I am exhausted! This day has been difficult, frustrating and trying in every way. My favorite ways of dealing with stress are working out and baking. So I headed for a run right after work. I always seem to have my best runs when I am stressed to the max and today was no different. It was awesome! Once I got home I headed to the kitchen. I had grand plans for a new recipe, Chicken Tortilla Soup. It was absolutely frustrating! The cheese I used didn't melt and just clumped with the chicken. We still ate it but next time I will revert back to my old stand by - Velveeta. I use it a lot in recipes that require melted cheese because it melts smoothly and it's my husbands favorite. He hates cheddar, which doesn't melt any way, but if you have any suggestions for other cheeses that I can try, please let me know.
After dinner, I started on the dessert for tomorrow. It requires a little more time so I am looking forward to sharing it with you tomorrow. You won't want to miss it!
Today is actually cherry pie day. This was my dad's favorite pie when I was growing up. I like raw bing cherries, but am not a fan of cooked cherries or cherry pie filling.While I was running, I actually came up with a new recipe to try for today. But I ran out of time and am just now sitting down for the first time since getting home. So, I pulled out a slice of Edwards Reese's peanut butter cup creme pie that I had in the freezer. I like these because I can buy the 2 pack singles - one for me and one for Thomas. We wait until the kids go to bed before we eat it so we don't have to share. It was rich and creamy and a little too sweet. I need something salty now!!

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